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SAMSUNG C&T Engineering & Construction Group
Corporate Identity Application Renewal

삼성물산 건설부문의 CI Application Renewal은 삼성물산 건설부문의 이미지 체계를 확고히 구축하기 위해 진행 되었습니다. 업의 본질적인 측면에 대한 심층적 분석을 통해서 단순한 표기체계의 재정립이 아닌 현장에서 가장 중요시 하는 ‘안전’이라는 컨셉트를 발견 하였습니다. ‘안전’이라는 컨셉트를 보다 체계적이며 효과적으로 전달하기 위해 그래픽화 시켰으며 이는 곧 안전에 대한 삼성물산 건설부문의 강력한 의지를 담고 있습니다.

SAMSUNG C&T Engineering & Construction Group’s CI Application Renewal Project was developed in order to firmly establish the company’s image system. When I visited in construction sties of SAMSUNG C&T Engineering & Construction for the project research, I was moved the SAMSUNG people’s careful considerations and behaviors preventing from any potential accident risk for site workers and pedestrians passing around the filed. Through them, I rediscovered the meaning of keyword ‘safety’ and designed my work with the concept ‘Safety First’. In order to systematically, effectively delivery the concept ‘safety’, I expressed Samsung C&T Engineering & Construction’s strong will for the safety by expressing the important messages necessary for its construction sites in graphics.  As the meaning that expresses SAMSUNG C&T Engineering & Construction’s spirit that the safety and the solidity are the first, I designed the cover of guidebook in using the pattern of hive structure

Field Site Key Graphic Motif
Field Site Fence Prototype 
Field Site Fence Real installation
Guide Book


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