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삼성물산 건설부분은 국내를 넘어 해외 유수 건설사로서의 도약과 인지도 상승을 위해 총 4편의 글로벌 광고 캠페인을 진행 하였습니다. 발주처와 파트너사를 대상으로 실적위주의 이성적 광고를 제작하였습니다.

The construction sector of Samsung C&T Corporation is No.1 construction firm in Korea. Its recognition is low in the overseas markets. Therefore, the construction sector of Samsung C&T Corporation was planning attractive global advertising campaigns in 2012 to jump up to be a leading construction firm in the world and raise brand awareness. And the advertising campaign structure whose messages can be expanded by delivering value to rationalist approach which focuses on results because the core target is ordering organizations and partners, not ordinary persons. Overseas advertisements of Samsung C&T Corporation consist of the total 4 ones of Burj Khalifa, Incheon Bridge, Qurayyah in Saudi Arabia, and integrated advertisement and are being published in overseas construction technical magazines. 

Building Works / Bruj Khalifa

Plant Works / Saudi Arabia(Qurrayyah IPP)

Civil Works / Incheon Grand Bridge

General Advertising


Global Advertising

삼성중공업은 갈수록 증가하는 전세계의 에너지 수요를 충족시키기 위해 세계최초 부유식 LNG 생산설비인 FLNG를 소재로새로운 에너지 자원을 개발하는 앞장서고 있다는 내용으로 제작 되었습니다.

Floating LNG project

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