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Ceragem Medisys

세라젬메디시스는 당뇨병 환자들을 위해 혈당체크 및 관리를 위한 제품을 개발하는 유망 중소기업입니다. 뛰어난 기술기반의 제품, 사용자 중심의 휴머니즘 디자인, 끊임없는 기술 개발, 이 모든 노력들은 당뇨병를 앓고 있는 환자들에게 ‘내일’을 선물하기 위한 것이라 판단 했으며 ‘Our Technology is your Tomorrow’ 라는 슬로건을 개발함과 동시에 아이코노그래피로 핏방울을 심볼화시켰으며 각 커뮤니케이션 아이템별 적용 시켰습니다.

Ceragem Medisys is the promising small and medium-sized business which develops products to check and manage blood sugar for diabetics.The excellent technology-based products which are made by passion of three research institutes, user-centered humanism design, and investment in constant technology research development… All these efforts of Ceragem Medisys mean presenting gifts called tomorrow to diabetics. Presenting gifts called tomorrow to diabetics by the technical skills of Ceragem Medisys is the core value that Ceragem Medisys seeks and the reason of the existence. First, the slogan called ‘Our Technology is your Tomorrow’ was developed and at the same time, beads of blood were symbolized by iconography. It was applied by item of each communication.

| Work Scope |  Iconography & Slogan / Web Site / Space Design & PR Movie

Iconography & Slogan
Web Site

Medical Exhibition & Advertising 



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