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The Korean Distilled Spirits HWAYO 

화요는 700년 전통을 이어 새롭게 빚은 고유한 한국의 술로서 전통적 요소를 현대적으로 재해석하여 한국 술의 우수함을 알리는데 중점을 두고 개발 되었으며 화요 디자인의 핵심은 우리 술이 가지고 있는 역사적 전통성을 현대적 시각으로 재해석하여 화요만의 브랜드 정체성을 만든 것이라 할 수 있습니다.

HWAYO is a modern interpretation of 700-year old Korean liquor tradition coming in a new design reflecting modern-day understanding of Korea’s tradition and beauty to let the world know the excellence of Korean spirits. HWAYO, meaning exquisite liquor brewed with fire through low-temperature reduced-pressure distillation, is traditional Korean pure rice spirits with excellent taste and aroma gained after being fermented long in earthware. HWAYO’s design concept is to materialize the image of Korea’s spirits by adding modern interpretation of Korea’s traditional elements.

| Work Scope |  Product Design / Label Design / Package Design




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